Familiar Feelings - Violet Karim

By Harmful_HamsteR (09/09/2024)


Synopsis - 'Sunny's dream is to graduate from the magic school, Proud Orion Academy, and to become a witch. The only problem is, she can't use magic. Everything takes a turn when a vampire and werewolf not only fight to become her familiar, but end up living with her too! Sunny thinks Mars and Leo could be the key to her finally unlocking her ability to use magic'

This is by far one of the most disappointing webtoons I've ever read. The author has all of the tools to make an entertaining story- witches, vampires and werewolves - not only that but they are fighting to be the protagonist's love interest?! This could be the foundation to something at least readable so why is this webtoon SO disappointing and unreadable... To start we are dropped at the end of the main protagonist's school year.. Which wouldn't be a problem if the author actually cared enough to do some basic world building outside of who's who, we have no idea WHY Sunny , the protagonist, cannot perform magic in a *prestigious* magic school but also HOW she even got there in the first place. This concept works really well for the anime Little Witch Academia as the creator's put effort into world building and there is a clear timeline for how the 'magic-less' witch gets into the magic school and gains her powers, something this webtoon is lacking.

Speaking of lacking, the characters in this webtoon lack any depth and are all boring, it's a total SNOOZEFEST, the only redeeming factor these characters have is the fact that the author of this webtoon can draw, the art style is super, super cute! Saying that, one of the characters who can turn into a werewolf has really weird w shaped lips... regardless the art style is the best this webtoon has to offer.

Another issue is the length of the episodes, they are incredibly short, typically when reading a webtoon I would like to spend at least 3-5 minutes reading through the episode, however the episodes can be read in about 30 seconds, and with episodes that quick, in a weeks time when the next one is released, you've already forgotten what's happened previously.

When reading the comments to this webtoon, I found out that the author had already written this story before and uploaded it , however for some unknown reason they deleted it and rewrote it, whilst i never read the original, from the comments left it seems like it was a fan favourite and written much better than this version. People asked why it started in the third year, compared to the original that started with her applying to the witch school. While rewrites are not an uncommon practice for webtoons, usually the rewrites are often better than the original with the author being able to fine tune details and redraw their work, this one is unanimously agreed to be bad - not saying that all are rewrites perfect but...

Anyway in short this webtoon gets a 1 out of 5, as the art style is really cute, but the main things I care about when reading are: art style, episode length, interest, plot and characterization, and this webtoon only has a good art style.

Started : November 6 2020 / Last Update : October 25 2023

